USS Unification
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Meeting of the Marines

Posted on Mon Apr 14th, 2014 @ 2:45am by Lieutenant Colonel Elena Wright & Captain Anastasia Usmanova

Mission: Episode 3 - Winds of Change
Location: New Bajor

Usmanova stood still as the transporter cycled through, she was standing at the back of the pad and waited the few seconds as those around her filled down the two step rise. Polite nods exchanged with the PO1 manning the controls. He rucksack over her shoulders and her marine combats still on, she considered changing into the standard duty uniform before meeting with the XO but hadn't. She hoped she would be expected to wear one of those god awful jumpsuits while serving aboard the Unification, but that would likely no be her decision.

She winded her way through the facilities until she came to the door she had been seeking, the name plaque was new, likely not more than a few weeks old, if that, LT COL WRIGHT a small smile graced the woman's face, she had been happy to hear that her XO was a marine. Hopefully she hadn't become to soft from serving with the Fleet. Tapping the comm button she quickly gave her uniform a once over before the doors opened.

"Enter" Elena responded, over the last few hours she had mostly been busy reading through past files regarding the Unification and the intelligence reports on the region. In a way she was happy to finally have something else to do than reading. News that she would be meeting a Marine of course was a nice bonus.

"Ma'am, Captain Anastasia Usmanova, Unification Marine Detachment Commander reporting." She said coming to attention a few meters from the Colonels desk.

Elena immediately noticed the choice of uniform of the Marine in front of her. "At ease Captain, I'd say welcome aboard but I fear that will have to wait a little while longer" She said as she walked towards the Major and extended a hand. "It is a pleasure to have you with us and I must say I can appreciate the decision to come in more combat oriented clothing"

"To be frank ma'am the prospect of sitting on a transport for 12 days in a duty uniform was less appealing." She relaxed her posture and let her eyes quickly scan the surrounding, it was a typical officer fitting someone of the Colonels rank and billet, perhaps a little larger given it was likely temporary until the ship arrive. "And on that note, do we know when the Unification is due to make port, or the new Unification at least?"

"I can imagine that, she's actually in orbit right now. The final things are being taken care of so we can move in pretty soon" Elena said before walking to the replicator. "Please sit, would you like something to drink?"

"Good to hear, and chai tea, black. Thank you ma'am." She said, dropping her bag to the deck and taking the seat.

Elena nodded "One Chai Tea black and one Raktajino black" She said, upon the two cups being replicated she'd walk back and hand the cup of tea to Anastasia before sitting down behind the desk.

"I'd like to run over a few details about the detachment, I understand fleet is still reallocating resources following the recent losses, they can't even tell me the amount of man power we will have. I'd like to hear what you and the Captain envision for the detachment. " She said accepting the cup.

"I will admit this is primarily me talking and not so much the Captain however we are in a dangerous part of space. Something the two of us as Marines and Intelligence operatives know all too well and something not always recognized as such by Fleeters. I want Marines that are in perfect shape, ready to strike on moment's notice and as loyal as possible. If you can get me those Marines I'll be a very happy XO" Elena said before taking a sip of the Klingon coffee.

"Of course ma'am, I've already begun working on a training schedule and duty rotations, of course subject to the availability of forces. I've also come up with a short list of personnel I'd like to request be assigned to the detachment." She removed a PADD from her bag and handed it to the senior marine. "Working off typical facilities and allocations for a Nebula class ship I believe we can maintain a light Company sized detachment without straining ship resources. Assuming all requests are approved I'd like to maintain two standard rifle platoons which would focus on conventional warfare missions, high alert and emergency situations aboard and off ship, but I'd like to restructure the third platoon to serve as a special troops platoon, including a combat engineering section, recon section and heavy assault section. They would still partake in all standard operations but have additional training I feel would be an asset giving our indented mission profile." She said. "Long term goal would be to have at least some degree of all advanced training across the entire MARDET."

As she listened and looked over the plans she nodded approvingly. "All of this is of course subject to the green light of the Captain, but I think this is something I can sell to him and definitely support myself"

Anna smiled, "Good, there's a more detailed break down of my initial operating capacity plan as I doubt even with approval we would get anywhere near the resources we need off the bat, as well as cooperative operations plans to allow our detachment to dovetail into larger scale marine operations should a large scale combat offensive operation occur."

Elena nodded "I appreciate the enthusiasm but I fear Starfleet will probably not authorize a war-ready force on a Nebula class vessel. We can however obtain permission to get a significant force capable of defending the ship and intervening on other ships"

"Of course ma'am." She said taking another sip of the tea.

"Now please tell me something more about your history, because we both know these files tend to be incomplete" Elena said placing the padd on her desk.

"Not much to say ma'am, out of the Academy I was posted to the USS Nassau, an Akira class with an embedded Company. In 84 we were on a long term mission deep in the beta quadrant and got into it with a Klingon cruiser pretty bad, apparently they had been disavowed by the empire but we were hard hit. I was made acting Detachment Commander until we were finally able to make port. Served a tour with SOPS, and 6 months on the staff of a Federation Councillor. Nothing to exciting." She said with a polite smile.

Elena nodded "I can see why special ops was interested in you and why you were assigned to the ship. Thank you Captain, would you happen to have any questions for me?"

"No ma'am." She said, "I'm sure we'll have a chance to explain further pleasantries aboard the ship."

Elena nodded "Dismissed Captain, also I hope you won't mind if I join your Marines on some exercises now and then"


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