USS Unification
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Marine CO Reporting In

Posted on Mon Mar 11th, 2013 @ 10:28am by Captain Jacob Lambert & 1st Lieutenant Jessica Croft
Edited on on Tue Mar 19th, 2013 @ 12:40pm

Mission: Episode 1B - Welcome Aboard Reboot
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Day 1 - 1215
Tags: Marine CO, CO, Reporting In, Mission Post

After emptying her kit bag Jessica tapped her combadge =/\=Computer, Commander Lambert current location=/\=

=/\=Commander Lambert is currently located in his Ready Room.=/\=

With that makes her way to the Commander’s location.

Finally making some headway with these dam reports Jacob thought to himself.

There was so much to do when taking over a command. He still hadn't found out what happened to the last CO, just that they were retired now. But that wasn't his problem right now. His problem was that the ship was falling apart. A majority of the systems were now back online, but there were still a few that were offline, including half of the transporters. He would much rather be be out there helping fix the ship, but there was that much paperwork to do, he would likely be here for the next 3 hours.

He looked up as he heard the door chime go off again. "Enter." He spoke to the computer.

When Jessica heard the “Enter” she took a deep breath, tug her uniform straight then left the bridge for the Captains Ready Room.

Jacob looked to the door to we who was standing before him, or weather it was another computer problem.

Jessica Came to attention and stated “1st Lieutenant Croft, reporting for duty, sir.”

"At ease Lieutenant. Welcome aboard the Unification. I trust your stay has been uneventful so far?" He waited for her reply.

Jessica relaxed to standing with her hand clasped behind her back and replied to the Captain's question with “Only been on-board an hour sir, but it looks like the ships not going to be sailing for a bit. Anything the marines can help with sir?”

"Well we hope to at least be free from external support systems within a few hours." He thought for a moment about what the marines could help with. "There is alot you can help with actually. I know there are only about 15 marines on board, but if you can either replace some of our security staff temporarily so they can help out with repairs, or even if you know of any specialities that any of your marines may have that would help us out. We have need for anyone with engineering skills, and computer mechanics. The main computer core has sustained damage, and that is our priority right now."

Jessica paused a second and then said “Well sir, we can differently help out security, but I was unable to pull the marine list from the data banks remotely or even when I did a quick request on arrival. It said I didn't have clearance when I tried on the trip here, then when I tried from the terminal in my quarter I got back, a string of error codes. I will be meeting with the rest of the marines in about an hours time sir and if I found anyone who should I pass I route then to?”

"Hmm." He picked up a PADD from his desk and tapped a few keys. "You should have access now. As for the errors on the consoles in your quarters, that is currently under investigation. We have managed to isolate certain consoles that work throughout the ship, and the consoles in most quarters remain non-operational right now. You can use one of the bridge operations consoles to find the required information, we have managed to keep those completely operational. Any personel who have the required backgrounds or technical expertise, please send them directly to their respective department heads. If you are unsure of who that is, just forward the names to myself." He thought for a few more moments. "Any other questions 1st Lieutenant.?"

“No sir, if that all sir, I'd like to get reviewing my marines and then get them squared away” Jessica said come back to attention.

"Very well 1st Lieutenant. Dismissed." He replied, as she turned and left the room.


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