USS Unification
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Marching Orders

Posted on Wed Mar 13th, 2013 @ 7:04am by 1st Lieutenant Jessica Croft
Edited on on Tue Aug 6th, 2013 @ 10:22pm

Mission: Episode 1B - Welcome Aboard Reboot
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: Day 1 - 1225
Tags: Marines Meeting

[Time is 1225]
[USS Unification, Bridge]

Jessica walked out the Captain's Ready Room and made her way to a unused bridge console and start to download the marine roster to a PADD, when the download was finished she logged out of the system and made her way to the turbolift. “Computer Deck 4” all Jessica got back was a high pitched screech and then the door closed and the turbolift started moving, only it stopped on the wrong deck.

[USS Unification, Deck 7]
“Computer, I requested deck 4” again another high pitched screech and the doors closed but the turbolift didn't move and the doors opened again. With a sigh Jessica got off, 'SO where did it dump me' Jessica though, just as she was about to tap her combadge she spotted an engineer, Jessica made her way towards him. “What deck am I on?”

With a slight smirk he replied “Deck 7 sir, engineering did send a message out that the turbolifts are not working 100%, they can get to the bridge ok, but the rest of the ship is a bit hit or miss.” with that he pointed over to a Jeffreys tube, “That a lot faster route sir”

“Thank you crewman” Jessica looked down at her PADD as she pulled up a diagram of the and found her position on it then made her way over to the Jeffreys tube and start navigating to the Mess Hall.

[Time 1250]
[USS Unification, Deck 4 – Jeffreys tube access near Mess Hall]

As Jessica got out of the Jeffreys tube she tugged her uniform straight and walked in the Mess Hall, she noted there was a few crew sitting over in one area, she moved to the other side so this would hopeful not disturb them.

While she waited for her marines to arrive she took a seat and start to review the list.

[Time 1300]

Andrew entered the mess hall and looked across the room, he scanned all the new faces until his eyes locked onto the uniform and the person he had to see. Slightly nervous Andrew walked up to his CO came to attention and politely clearing his throat and said “Private Andrew Tailor, reporting in Sir”

Jessica looked at the young man that had just walked up to her, with a polite “See me in 10” to the her First Sergeant, Jessica turned to Mr Tailor and said “ah Private Tailor, fresh from boot camp? And how was your trip out here?”

"Yes sir and I can't complain sir the trip went smoothly, accept for my quick trip through the Jeffrey tubes on my way through this fine vessel" Said Andrew slightly laughing.

Jessica replied “Ah yes, the turbolifts are being a bit of trouble at the moment, well hopeful with the Main Computer coming back online soon, we should have that sorted.” Jessica paused for a second, and took a quick look around and noted that the rest of the marines had finial turned up.

Jessica took a step back from the private and said “Attention on desk” she wait a few seconds for the marines to fall in, before starting “My name is Jessica Croft, I'm your Commanding Officer, currently the ship is in need of our help, File 1 and 2 are going to help Security out, File 3 is going to Engineering to assist there.”

Jessica took a breath before continuing with “File 1 is lead by myself, Sergeant Van Althuis, Lance Corporal Afolayan, Private 1st Class D'varo, Private Tailor around out File 1.”
Jessica paused for second to let that filter into their brain before continuing again with “File 2 is lead by my XO who is currently not here, Staff Sergeant Kavanagh will be in-charge of File 2 till I find out where my XO is. The rest of File 2 is Private Leroy, Private Proulx and Private Émile.”

Once more Jessica paused but only for a second “File 3 is run by Gunnery Sergeant Grax, she has Corporal Flanagan, Private 1st Class Huff, Private Steel and Private Bonner. File 1 wait here, File 2 follow Staff Sergeant Kavanagh and File 3 make your way with the Gunny to Engineering. Dismissed!”

Andrew looked around at those that were in his file, he recognised a few face, he gave them a nod and then watched the other files slowly filter out of the room. Once the files had left Andrew turned his attention back to his CO.

Jessica straightened her uniform, before saying “At ease, ok the ships in a bad way, the captain has asked us to help out by taking over some of the ships security jobs so that they can help out with the repairs...”

Jessica held her hand up “... before you ask, no I don't know how the ship got in this state, and if the captain was inclined to tell me he would have. WE just have to make sure nothing else happens to it. Benedetto, take Rumbidzai and T'Remberale and do a sweep of deck 3 and 4, include the Jeffreys tubes. File 2 are taking decks 5 to 8. Private Andrew your with me. Any Questions?”

Andrew looked around at the rest, turned his head back and then raised his hands.

"How long until we un-dock sir?"

With a laugh Jessica replied “You can put your hand down private were not at boot camp any more, and to answer your question, the captain's not informed me as I don't need to know. But with the state the ships in likely 4 to 5 days. Why want to get out there?”

Andrew excitedly replied "Just a bit restless to see some action sir"

“Well if the state of the ships anything to go by, this neck of the woods we will deficiently see some action. So come on troops to your stations. Andrew follow me.” And with that Jessica started walking out of the room.

Andrew prepared to follow his CO. He then realised that this was it, this was the start of his career. Andrew did not notice it himself but he followed his CO out of the room with his head held a little higher then he had ever had it before.


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