USS Unification

USS Unification


Once dominated by the Dominion, the Gamma Quadrant was an area where freedom was unheard of. It has now been a little over ten years since the end of the Dominion War which resulted in the loss of millions of lives and served to brake the Dominion's tight hold on the area.

The Bajoran Wormhole now serves as an open door to a drastically changing and shifting Gamma Quadrant. The cleanup after the war has been long and costly, but finally colonization has begun to the various worlds within the quadrant. Merchant trade between worlds is on the rise, with traffic between the quadrants at an exponential rise each year. Thousands have come from across the galaxy, with hopes of a new life and brighter future blazing in their eyes. For some their dreams have been realized, as hard work and foresight often pay off in the long run.

For others, however, the Gamma Quadrant is far from safe. Those whose dreams do not come to fruition, turn to the only way to ensure survival - piracy. Not only are trade partners and civilians taking advantage of the quadrant's wealth but so are the pirates, criminals and organized crime syndicates. However the Federation's presence is there too with Starfleet protecting it's citizenry, it's trade routes, providing support for the colonies and starbases that fly the Federation flag, and all the while discovering new and uncharted space.

Can the brave souls of the USS Unification weather the storm?

Latest Mission Posts

» I Miss You

Mission: Episode 1 - One Arrow Does Not Kill the Serpent
Posted on Tue Aug 27th, 2019 @ 6:25am by Captain Jacob Lambert

Running down the corridor of the Unification, phaser in hand, Jacob was starting to lose his breath. It felt like he had been running for hours. It had been a few minutes. He couldn't quite remember how he got to this point. Just running, and running. His objective just out…

» See You Soon Hermitage

Mission: Episode 1 - One Arrow Does Not Kill the Serpent
Posted on Thu Aug 22nd, 2019 @ 2:56am by Captain Jacob Lambert & Commander Kestra Amanin & Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Matthews & Lieutenant Magnus Arynson Jr

Jacob walked onto the bridge. Feeling slightly more relaxed now than he did a few hours ago. He had had a nice chat with Lieutenant Arynson, and then came up to the bridge. Suppose we should get a move on.

"Bridge to all hands, begin final departure preparations. Seal all…

» Mushroom Gathering

Mission: Episode 1 - One Arrow Does Not Kill the Serpent
Posted on Thu Jul 11th, 2019 @ 6:10am by Captain Jacob Lambert & Lieutenant Magnus Arynson Jr

So many new faces. He had prepared for this, of course, but he didn't realise how many people he knew were Consortium agents, right under everyone's noses. The Unification had been inside the Hermitage now for coming up on three weeks. There were not many on the Unification, or indeed…

» Let's Go Hunting

Mission: Episode 1 - One Arrow Does Not Kill the Serpent
Posted on Tue May 14th, 2019 @ 7:57am by Captain Jacob Lambert & Commander Kestra Amanin & Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Matthews & Lieutenant Magnus Arynson Jr

He stood and walked out of his Ready Room. On the bridge were a majority of his senior officers. He looked to the XO, who was in the Command chair. "Senior Staff to the observation lounge, 5 minutes ago." The tone in his voice was not one for questioning right…

» Time to Get to Work

Mission: Episode 1 - One Arrow Does Not Kill the Serpent
Posted on Wed Feb 13th, 2019 @ 4:19am by Rear Admiral Vadosia Adislo & Lieutenant Commander Tevak

Looking out of the window of the room they were in, the vista before him was beautiful and tranquil. Hills of green for kilometers, a few wisps of cloud in the sky. True peace. Rear Admiral Vadosia Adislo felt a calm. Knowing the Consortium were defeated, ‘No’ he thought to…