USS Unification
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Retaking the USS Cassiopeia (Part 1)

Posted on Thu Mar 20th, 2014 @ 8:27am by Lieutenant Shrevan th'Iroth & Commander Aztala Germond & Lieutenant Walter Roebuck
Edited on on Thu Mar 20th, 2014 @ 9:28pm

Mission: Episode 2 - Whispers in the Clouds
Location: USS Cassiopeia
Timeline: Day 2 -1635

Roebuck and small group of Security Personnel beamed into the Cassiopeia’s Transporter Room. Three of the men were knelt, another three standing, each aiming their weapons at slightly different angle to cover the whole of the room. After a moment, no movement was seen, the small group moved out. Two secured the door to the corridor while two others checked the room’s rear compartment.

Roebuck walked over to the Transporter’s controls, they were offline. The Transporter Chief was dead from multiple weapon hits.


“Sir,” One of the Security Officers reported, “Tricorders aren't picking anyone up in the corridors…except dead. Weapons signatures are Federation Phasers and Poloron weapons, appears there was a running fight between borders and Ship’s Security…Security lost.”

Roebuck tapped his combadge, “Roebuck to Unification, transport the rest of the Security and Medical Personnel over.”

While the teams were beamed over, Roebuck checked his own Tricorder. “Something is jamming my scans beyond the corridor, I can’t pick up any life signs.” He paused a moment while thinking up a plan of action, then pulled all of his Security Personnel together. “We’re on Deck Six, but we need to Secure the Bridge and Engineering…this will be the Alamo. Lieutenant Rogers, you’ll hold this position with six.”

Roebuck looked around at his group of seventeen Security Officers and Enlisted. “Ensign th'Iroth and the rest of you with me. We’ll try to meet up with Commander Germond and retake the Bridge. If we come across wounded we’ll try to treat them on the spot and beam them back to the Unification if possible. If we’re unable to beam back, or we’re pushed back by the intruders, this is our final fall back point. Questions?”

Roebuck looked around, but no one spoke up. After a moment, he tapped his combadge again, “Roebuck to Unification, send over a small repair team. Include a Transporter Specialist and Diagnostic Engineer…be sure they have some form of combat training.”

After a few moments, while all of the Security Personnel rechecked their weapons and the Medics readied their equipment, a four person repair team beamed in from the Unification.

“See what you can do with the transporter controls. If we can get this unit online, we can use it to beam into the Bridge and to beam out wounded. One of you, with me.” Roebuck said to the Engineers as they got to work.

“Rodgers, once we depart, set up a portable forcefield at the door. We’ll do the same at each end of the corridor, that’ll at least give you some protection and time if any borders come.” Roebuck explained to the Lieutenant.

As the rest of the Security Personnel, all nine of them, along with four Medics and one Engineer left the Transporter Room, the remaining personnel activated the small portable forcefield to seal the door.

In the corridor, Roebuck quietly pointed at two Security Officers, then to opposite ends of the corridor. Both men moved out. The first activated another forcefield to seal off the corridor in front of the Transporter Room. The other checked ahead for any hostiles. Seeing none, he motioned to Roebuck and the others to follow. Once they made it to the turn in the corridor, the other forcefield was activated to finish sealing off the Transporter Room.

“Each of you have the activation and deactivation codes for the forcefield generators on your Tricoders, protect them with your life.” Roebuck said to the group before tapping his commbadge, “Roebuck to Germond. We’ve secured the Transporter Room. We’ve encountered no hostiles, or friendlies. I have a team working on the Cass’s transporter now and we’re ready to move on the Bridge to secure it. Orders?”

Pausing in her climbing through jeffries tubes, Aztala taps her comm badge to reply. "This is Germond. We're almost to the bridge ourselves. If you have a good position, take the bridge - don't wait for us."

"Acknowledged. We're on Deck Six, moving up. Roebuck out."

He looked back at his small team. "Two groups, Ensign th'Iroth with four men and two medics take Jefferies Tube 39-Beta up to Deck Three, The rest of us will take 39-Alpha. We'll rendezvous on Deck Three, section 12-Gamma. That should put us right outside the power distribution node that feeds Decks 1 and 2. We'll disable to power and see if they send anyone to check it out before we move on to the Bridge." He paused to look around at his team.

"Alright, let's go."

Ensign th'Iroth looked to Roebuck and nodded. He pointed to the men and women he was taking with him, and the medics. "Lets move people. We got a ship to take over."



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