Duty... In the big chair?
Posted on Mon Aug 26th, 2013 @ 2:09pm by Commander Aztala Germond
560 words; about a 3 minute read
Episode 2 - Whispers in the Clouds
Location: USS Unification
Timeline: Day 2 - 0700
Aztala steps out of the turbolift onto the bridge and walks over to one of the back consoles, setting her PADD down on it, the data syncing automatically. Punching up the current ship's status, she looks over the repairs and schedules and sees that most of them are at least progressing, if not very fast. If only they had some time in drydock, they could get everything done easily and quickly. Unfortunately, they were heading to a possible rescue mission and she had a lot of work ahead of her. Though seeing a course correction to rendezvous with the USS Cassiopeia, she might have a bit less work with any luck.
Well, nothing to it but to get to it, she figured. Going over the roster, she picked out a few names for the possibility that she would need to lead an away team. an engineer, a medic, and a security/tactical officer to start with, and possibly even this Crewman Ricky that she overheard someone mention in the galley last night is 'well built for away missions,' whatever that's supposed to mean exactly. With luck, he'll be available when the time comes.
Smiling to herself, she leaves the console, taking her PADD, and heads towards the command chair, relieving the night watch ensign whom gave her a quick once over, obviously entranced by her exotic beauty. "Get some good rest when you can. I expect this mission to be more than we expect."
He hops out of the command chair, obviously tired but still ready to go, watching her a bit closer than she expected. "Yes, Ma'am."
Settling into the chair for the first time, she looks around the bridge, realizing for the first time how open the position was as well as how easy it is to see every single console. It was impressive, to say the least, even on this small bridge.
Looking over her shoulder a bit, the night watch ensign makes note of her slight lack of decorum, smiling a bit. "I thought it might have been your first time sitting in the big chair. A couple others on the midnight shift were sure you had to have by now, but by the look on your face..." Smiling brightly, he gives her an encouraging nod. "You'll get used to it after an hour of nothing to do. Anyway, I have a few more hours on duty down in the cargo bays before I can rest. Good luck Commander." With that, he casually walks over to the turbolift and vanishes inside.
Looking around again, the rest of the bridge crew on duty giving her curious (and possibly lustful) glances. She mumbles under her breath, "Thanks... I think..." and looking towards the helm, she continues. "Well then, helm let me know if there's anything that changes from the status readout I got this morning." Holding up her PADD, she waggles it a bit before clicking it on and going over the rosters and status reports on it, settling in to get a bit more comfortable.
Snapping back to perfect professionalism, the helm officer punches a few buttons. "Aye Commander. Other than the new heading to meet the USS Cassiopeia, there's nothing else to report."
Nodding slightly, she relaxes a touch more, letting her natural grace and form take over to prevent stress. "Excellent. Carry on then."