USS Unification
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Exploring the Ship

Posted on Sun Jan 25th, 2015 @ 9:41am by Lieutenant Colonel Elena Wright

Mission: Episode 4 - Parallels
Location: USS Unification
Timeline: Day 1 - 1700

Today had definitely been an interesting day, most of the shift had been spent dodging questions on what exactly suddenly was going on that the ship seemed to be in such a hurry and the message the Captain had received simply didn't make sense. However this was well above her pay grade and she had opted to just wait and see until they met with this individual who could tell them more. Considering all those things she found herself wandering the ship. She had not yet explored the ship fully and simply walking around the corridors had always made her feel more at ease. Even though they all looked the same. She loved being on the Unification and before it the Hawk but she definitely realized the freedoms that a colony base like Liberty Station provided had certain advantages. After walking like this for a while she eventually arrived at the Mess Hall. Once inside she immediately noticed the place seemed busy. Of course that was understandable, considering the time of day.

As soon as she arrived at the replicator she would order dinner "Vegetable Gumbo and a glass of water" As soon as the order appeared she looked for and found an empty table next to a window where she took a seat. She had taken plenty of padds with her as there was more than enough work left to do. One of the disadvantages of Command rather than a specific department position. The paperwork. She was looking forward to the ship arriving at its intended location, after all then they were likely to finally find some excitement. In the meanwhile she would need to get in touch with their new MCO, after all when it came to Marines it was always useful to have a clear working arrangement.


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