USS Unification
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Marine Assignments

Posted on Sun Feb 1st, 2015 @ 12:56pm by Captain Jacob Lambert & Major Larissa Chusavitna

Mission: Episode 4 - Parallels
Location: Captain's Quarters
Timeline: Day 1 - 1100

"Lambert to Chusavitna, please report to my quarters." He sat there and carrying on going over the duty rosters, waiting for his new Marine CO to arrive.

Larissa heard the comm and sighed. Already things had started and she had just got off of one ship and was already being called to the principals office. Her parents would be shocked if they saw her now especially going to be a Marine CO and not continuing the family tradition of Intel "On my way Sir" she responded. She walked as fast as she could telling her aide that he was to take all of her belongings to her office and she would sort out the personal from the work related items.

As she approached the quarters of Captain Lambert she got a feeling of trepidation but pushed the button to ring the chime.

Jacob was on the couch against the external bulkhead when the chime went off. "Come in" he called out to the computer. He noticed that he seems a little tense. "At ease. Care for a drink Major?"

Larissa nodded "would love one sir. It's been a long flight and am still working on seeing what staff I have"

"Help yourself to the replicator. As for your staff, most Nebula ships have a Platoon, but I requested more for the ship, given our current situation. There is currently a whole company on board, 130 marines. All commanded by you. In regards to the Marine chain of command, your direct superior is Lieutenant Colonel Wright." Once she had got her drink, Jacob directed her to the chair next to his. He sat up and put down his PADD.

Larissa ordered a hot drink that had a slight hint of vanilla as well as peppermint. She went and sat down in the chair next to his "130 Marines on a ship is great. I am glad that we have that number should there be fighting we will be needed. Reporting to the Colonel gives me no issues. I am ready to do what is needed"

"Well I can't tell you what exactly is needed, there are things going on even I am unaware of. But I appreciate that you are prepared for whatever may be needed. But enough about the future. How are you settling in so far? Have you come across or been informed of any issues?"

Chusavitna shrugged her shoulder length hair "Don't know yet if I have settled in fully. Still trying to find out what I am doing here with the Marines. I need to get to know my staff and soon. No problems so far."

"Very well Major." He replied while scratching an itch on the back of his hand. "Is there anything you wish to discuss?"

Chusavitna asked "Sir my current staff, is there going to be a chance that they will be reassigned and when will I get my XO for the Marines."

"They won't be reassigned, they have only recently been transferred to the Unification anyway. As for your XO, as soon as you pick someone you feel will work well in the position, take their name to Colonel Wright, and we will get that ball rolling." Jacob replied.

The marine nodded looking pleased "Thank you Sir. I will look through my archives and determine who I think would fit in best and bring that to Colonel Wright."

"Indeed. She will let me know of your decision, and if there issues with said choice. Although, that said I have seen your own record, and have more than enough faith in your decision." He smiled at the marine. If theres nothing else?" The Major shook her head. "Dismissed."


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