USS Unification
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Paperwork Never Ends

Posted on Mon Sep 8th, 2014 @ 4:20pm by Major Elizabeth Beasley & Master Sergeant Shervic

Mission: Episode 4 - Parallels
Location: Deck 15 - Marine Facilities
Timeline: Day 1 - 1100

Elizabeth had just left the lounge and a meeting with Archie. In fact, she was rather furious at the fact that he dared to call her "love." She knew it was just a common phrase used from his home, but to use that term on her was just wrong. She had worked hard to get to where she was in her career. From her grandparents trying to make her be something she was not to the fact that now she was being called love when a male officer would not be called that.

"First Sergeant, join me in my office," She said as she walked through the front office where the Sergeant sat. She paid no attention to the fact that he stood up and went straight to attention; she was fully engrossed in her own thoughts and ideas.

Shervic saw the Major come through the door, quickly placed his PADD down, snapped to attention, and even issued a greeting to Elizabeth, but it seemed as though she did not hear him. When he was told to join her in her office, he quickly grabbed a new PADD and made his way in behind her.

"Sorry Sergeant, I am a little distracted. Please have a seat," she said motioning to a chair on the opposite side of her desk.

"It isn't a problem Ma'am," Shervic replies as he took his seat and awaited the long list of orders he would be given to carry out in little to no time. Luckily, Shervic had a new Private First Class to break in and show the ropes.

"I was able to review the reports you gave to me Mr. Shervic. I agree with many of your recommendations and would like to start getting some of them worked on. Specifically getting crewmembers cross trained for tasks that we may have to carry out. I would like at least one member of every fire team to be trained in advanced first aid and let’s ensure we have some trained in the sciences as well. I can't see them sending crew to the surface of places when they have a Marine trained to do it that knows how to fire a gun," Elizabeth rambled on and on. She went through many different drill plans she had and silently Shervic sat and took notes and made suggestions on things he might not have agreed with.

"Ma'am," Shervic said when she finally ran out of ideas, "If you are done I would like to get to work on these at once and begin directing personnel on how to get trained and fine drill schedules."

"Very well, dismissed," Elizabeth, said with a smile on her face. She knew the First Sergeant was going to jump right into the task and she had nothing to worry about. They had a solid administrative team, except for an Executive. She noticed that she had not gotten one assigned yet.


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