USS Unification
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One of those days

Posted on Fri Jun 13th, 2014 @ 2:15am by Lieutenant Walter Roebuck

Mission: Episode 3 - Winds of Change
Location: New Bajor
Timeline: Day 5 - 1145 hours


Roebuck walked through a small open air market on New Bajor. There were dozens of vendors, or all different species. Several were from the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, while a few others were from the Gamma Quadrant. Roebuck was in his uniform, and had his carry-all bag with him with the strap over one shoulder and across his chest.

Most of the vendors accepted just ‘hard currency’ like Latinum, but a few were willing to trade for Federation Credits too. Roebuck didn’t let his guard down, but the smells and sounds were relaxing nonetheless.

Stopping by one vendor selling fruits, Roebuck picked up an orange and a couple of apples. “Grown local?” He asked the merchant.

“No sir, grown on Earth. Washington apples and Florida oranges. Only the best!” He smiled in reply.

Roebuck smirked as he reached into his bag, “Credits or Latinum?”

“For a Starfleet Officer, a fellow Human, credits will be fine. Just remember to come back when you’re here.” The man again smiled as Roebuck ‘sign’ a PADD, transferring the credits to the merchant’s account.

“Thank you.” Roebuck said in reply before placing the small bag of fruit into his carry-all.

Roebuck walked on, passed several other vendors selling everything from spices to cloth, ‘knick-knacks’ to full meals. He made a mental note to stop back by two of the vendors, one selling hand cut beef steaks from Earth, the other selling rubs and spices. Roebuck didn’t often cook, he usually didn’t have the time to, but he was going to make an exception in this case.

Leaving the market, Roebuck made his way to the closest transporter station, and within minutes he was beamed up to the new USS Unification. He nodded to the Transporter Chief, the made his way to his Quarters. There were several Engineering Teams still aboard the ship, working on various systems, and he quietly thought to hoped to himself that these people would do a better job than the teams that worked on the previous USS Unification before she departed on her last mission.

A few moments later, he arrived in his Quarters. He took his bag off and laid it on the table, then removed the fruit he’d bought. He placed one apple and the orange in a small bowl on the table before taking a bit of the other apple. He then removed a PADD and his Phaser from the bag. He took the PADD and apple with him as he sat in his chair. He took another bit while reading an intel report on the PADD.

Days like this seemed to be few and far between for him these days, but Roebuck did secretly enjoy them when they did…



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