USS Unification
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Working Out The Bugs

Posted on Thu May 30th, 2013 @ 7:40am by Lieutenant Walter Roebuck

Mission: Episode 2 - Whispers in the Clouds
Location: Bridge, USS Unification
Timeline: Day 1 - 2000


It was late in the day, but Roebuck was still on the Bridge. He was sitting at Tactical, working to get the Diagnostic programs for the targeting scanners online. Power had been restored, but there was a bug in the program itself.

Roebuck tapped away at the panel while watching two monitors facing him. Anytime he'd get one issue resolved, another would appear. It was driving him mad. The programming was correct, so he decided to take a look at the hardware.

Roebuck slide his chair back and knelt down on the deck. He pulled the panel off below the Tactical Station. All four of the Bio-Neural Gel Packs looked good, none were burned out. He grabbed a tricorder off the console and scanned the circuitry, everything checked out.

Jonathan tapped his comm-badge, "Roebuck to Engineering. I'm trying to track down a possible hardware malfunction that's causing problems with the ship's targeting systems and their supporting diagnostic programs. Can you send someone to the Bridge and give me a hand?"

"We'll send someone up shortly Lieutenant." Came the reply from a voice Roebuck didn't recognize. A few minutes later, the same Engineer that had worked on the viewscreen and left his tools scatters across the Bridge arrived.

"Need some help sir?"

Roebuck took a deep breath, then replied. "I'm trying to track down an issue with the targeting scanners' diagnostic program."

The Engineer knelt beside Roebuck and scanned with a tricorder, then he tapped in a few commands on the Tactical panel. "I think we have another bad data processor in the computer core, give me a few minutes to replace it."

Before he could acknowledge, the Engineer was gone. Roebuck replaced the panel and sat back in the chair at Tactical. A few minutes later, the comm beeped.

"Try it now sir."

Roebuck accessed the diagnostic program, and to his surprise, it loaded and started it's normal operation. "That's got it, thank you."

"Anytime sir."

The comm closed and Roebuck got to work correcting the ship's targeting scanners. A few minutes later, everything was aligned and ready. Roebuck sent an update to the Captain explaining the problem, how it was corrected, and advising him that Tactical was now ready.



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