USS Unification

Lieutenant Jidar Tolx

Name Jidar Tolx

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant


  • 2 Mission Posts

Last Post

Tue Feb 3rd, 2015 @ 2:39pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Trill (joined)
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 200 lb
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black


Father Joval
Mother Aemol

Personality & Traits

Personal History Born in 2354 on Vulcan Jidal is the son and only child of Joval and Lieutenant Commander Aemol. When Jidal turned seventeen he applied to become joined with a symboint and completed the trials and tests by the time that he was nineteen years old. Jidal was joined with the Tolx symboint as the fourth host.

Following his joining Jidal applied for a position with Starfleet Academy and was accepted when he turned twenty. He entered at first in the tactical field only to change his mind following his first year at the Academy. The decision that was made based on the end of the Dominion War that same year. He transferred into the science field and specialized in Stellar Physics.

In 2378 he completed his courses and graduated at the rank of Ensign. Jidal was assigned to the USS Cobalt as the Stellar Cartographer. In 2381 he was eligible for a promotion and received the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade. That same year he was reassigned to the position as Assistant Chief Science Officer.

In 2386 the Chief Science Officer was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and made the Executive Officer. This resulted in Jidal being made the Acting Department Head. He was officially granted the position and promoted to Lieutenant.

In 2388 he was up for transfer and found an open position on board the USS Unification. Jidal's interest in the exploration of the Gamma Quadrant dictated this decision.
Service Record 2374-2378: Starfleet Academy
2378-2381: USS Cobalt; ENS; Stellar Cartographer
2381-2386: USS Cobalt; LTJG; Asst. Chief Science Officer
2386-2388: USS Cobalt; LT; Chief Science Officer
2388-Now: USS Unification; LT; Chief Science Officer