USS Unification

Lieutenant Matthew Hanson

Name Matthew Hanson

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant


  • 1 Mission Posts

Last Post

Mon May 19th, 2014 @ 8:56am

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5ft 11in
Weight 160 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Matt does not really stand out from the rest of the crowd. He is of an average weight and height and both his hair and eyes are brown. However, his personality and education separate him from the rest.


Spouse None
Children None
Father John Hanson
Mother Emily Hanson
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Matt is well educated from birth which makes him skilled at almost anything he does. He rarely curses or speaks any slang but he has a light New York accent, and he is always respectful to officers of a higher rank. He rarely gets angry or annoyed, he always looks at things calmly and judgement free. He makes friends easily, but doesn’t get too attached unless he really likes them. Although he makes friends, he is also shy and keeps to himself most of the time.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Well Educated
+ Calm, never angry
+ Doesn’t curse
+ Makes friends easily

- Shy
- Keeps to himself
- Has trouble voicing his opinions
Ambitions To be in a command position

Personal History Matthew was born to John and Emily Hanson in New York City. His parents placed him in the best school they could to make sure that Matt could do what he wanted when he grew up. John was a civilian surgeon at one of the main hospitals on the continent. His mother worked as a civilian scientist at a research facility on jupiter station, she was back in forth from Earth and Jupiter most of the time. He was shy but he always did very well, a straight A student. When he graduated he could have become anything he wanted, but he chose to go to Starfleet Academy.

His parents had hoped that he would follow them in a civilian science position. To please his parents he took Engineering and Operations courses at the Academy. On his second year he dropped Engineering and focused on Operations. He graduated from the academy and went onto his first assignment.

Onboard Starbase 335 Matt served as the quartermaster with the rank of Ensign. On the first day he was given stacks of work. Despite the work, he enjoyed working in a bigger department and having more responsibility. He overused transfer of equipment from Starbase to Starship. Several officers complained to him about equipment that was and was not supposed to be on their vessel even though they requested that equipment. Soon he decided to transfer to the USS

Matt was assigned to the USS Endeavor as their Operations Officer. He aided the Chief Operations Officer in her duties. His job didn’t really require much from him, except duty on the night shift. He spent most of his off hour time in the Officer's lounge and taking some side shifts in Engineering. He was soon promoted to Assistant Chief of Operations and Lieutenant Junior Grade. He was given more work to complete. He was also given an earlier duty shift so he could not continue with his Engineering shifts. He continued on with the Endeavor for a while then transferred over to the USS Unification.

The USS Unification is a Nebula Class Starship serving in Bravo Fleet's Task Force 9 which is centered in the Gamma Quadrant. Matthew is currently serving as its Chief Operations Officer
Service Record y-c1.png Cadet Freshman Grade - Starfleet Academy - San Francisco
y-c2.png Cadet Sophomore Grade - Starfleet Academy - San Francisco
y-c3.png Cadet Junior Grade - Starfleet Academy - San Francisco
y-c4.png Cadet Senior Grade - Starfleet Academy - San Francisco
y-o1.png Ensign - Quartermaster - Starbase 335
y-o1.png Ensign - Operations Officer - USS Endeavor
y-o2.png Lieutenant JG - Assistant Chief Operations Officer - USS Endeavor
y-o3.png Lieutenant - Chief Operations Officer - USS Unification