USS Unification

Ensign George Ward

Name George Tawodi Ward

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Ensign


  • 6 Mission Posts

Last Post

Thu Sep 26th, 2013 @ 4:45pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human- Native American Indian
Age 23

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 187 Pounds
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Average in most respects, George is fit, his long black hair tied up when on duty, but usually loose off duty. He tends to have an emotionless demeanor. Not from lack of them, but from his own experiences.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Elias Ward
Mother Diana Ward
Brother(s) John Tsali
Sister(s) Wesa

Personality & Traits

General Overview George is a very laid back person on most respects. He's typically introverted unless it's within a group he's accustomed to. He's not one that loses his temper, even keeled, unless provoked. When his long fuse has burned through, it's best not to be the target of that retaliation.
Strengths & Weaknesses From his hobbies, George tends to be focused and direct. It can be as much a strength as a weakness. Sometimes his direct approach is taken as rudeness or apathy, but that's not the way his is.

He can be caring if given the chance. Unless it is related to his field or improves his skills George remains uninterested.
Ambitions Flight and anything that can get him time at the controls is what George lives for.
Hobbies & Interests Aircraft mechanics and a special interest in combustion engines.
Embroidery and needle work
Acoustic Guitar

Personal History George's early life was much like boy growing up in the woods of North Carolina. Many a day spent hunting, fishing, camping and general mischief. One summer at the state fair, there was a vendor giving rides in an antique helicopter. It was the start of a passion for the young boy. He soon realized that if he was going to be anything more than an outsider to piloting, he needed to get his schoolwork up to par.

Grades got better and George managed to acquire skills in a local warbird museum. It was there that his interests in engines and aircraft engines in particular came to root.