3 New Players
Posted on Thu Oct 11th, 2012 @ 11:47pm by Lieutenant Commander Preston Drake Pharm.D.
Edited on Fri Oct 12th, 2012 @ 7:08am
Et All,
I would like to welcome the players behind Jordyn Elbrun, Talva Ren, and Mnheia Annhwi to the Unification community, and to the positions of Chief Science Officer, Chief Engineer, and Chief Operations Officer respectively.
The players behind Talya Ren, and Mnheia Annhwi join us from the previous incarnation of the USS Unification, where our current Commanding Officer and GM, the player behind Jacob Lambert, served as Executive Officer and AGM. With them on board, we have a total of 5 players. If you know of anyone who may be interested in joining the community, please direct them our way.
I am very pleased to have you all aboard,
~Kit, AGM
Lieutenant Preston Drake
Executive Officer
USS Unification
Category: Sim Announcement
Tags: New Players, Jordyn Elbrun, Talya Ren, Mnheia Annhwi